Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Range of Issues
check out the other issues discussed:
- Should the US normalize relations with Cuba?
- Are you and your significant other comfortable taking dumps in front of each other?
- Is it appropriate for an adult to order off of the kids' menu?
- Do you and your significant other enjoy anal sex? Shower sex?
- Should Israel attack Iran's nuclear facilities?
- child breaks computer in an effort to cover up viewing of inappropriate material - punishment?
Looking forward to the following from you:
- opinions on any of these issues
- comments on the range of topics
- any thoughts on how these issues interconnect
First Nominee for Issue of the Year
Have you ever considered shaving the hair in your ass crack? If so, have you asked your significant other to do it for you?
The table said - NO - NO - and WHAT THE FUCK?!!
Issue Score - off the charts - many laughs were had by all, including the lady at the next table
Looking forward to the following from you:
- opinion on issue
- Is this Issue of the Year material?
- other candidates for Issue of the Year
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Good Looking? Or Qualified?
The table said - the first 2/3 of the table favored recommending NGL - but then the last 1/3 of the table made a run, favoring GL in that the marginal job qualification superiority of NGL didn't overcome GL's looks - upon further intensive questioning, the issue host revealed that GL's looks were an 8 (on the 10 scale), while NGL was a 1!! Of course, this turned the entire table to the side of GL
Issue Score - 8 - for GL's looks and the 8 to 1 revelation
Emotional Experiences
Host brought to the table powerful, emotional experiences at the Holocaust Museum and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall - survey to find similar experiences at the table
The table said - incredibly interesting answers including:
- attending a Soviet Jewry rally in Washington as a teenager - meeting up with a black person on the bus and discovering how people can care about causes not their own
- visiting Treblinka death camp and seeing a family picnicing on the premises
- running in a marathon in DC right after 9/11 and running by the Pentagon
- hearing Vietnam war stories of torture from Vietnam vets at the VA
- watching the events of 9/11 on TV at a plant with the workers, and then seeing management post guards at the plant doors
- going to the Wailing Wall and Masada
- planning the funeral of a friend - with the friend
Issue Score - 10 - even more heartfelt and intimate than expected
Son's Bar Mitzvah recommended giving a donation rather than a gift - some people gave both - thank you notes were written quickly, and in some cases for the gift and not the contribution - Should a second thank you note be written? If so, who should write it - the son or the parents? Special note - potential here for a binding issue offered by both the issue host and spouse.
The table said - Unfortunately, the potential for the issue being binding was lost as the table answers were all over the place - although late sentiment favored somehow doing a second acknowledgement so that the gift givers can know the family was notified about all of the gifts given
Issue Score - 6 - for variety of answers and binding potential